Friendship House Fayetteville

group of people outside at picnic table

About the Program

Friendship House Fayetteville is an intentional living community that provides affordable, integrated housing for young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (friend residents), with a unique focus on college students and young professionals in the healthcare, allied health, and human service fields.

Friendship House Fayetteville works alongside young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families to provide intentional, transitional living. At its core, this faith-based community is rooted in table fellowship expressed through a daily rhythm of eating, praying and celebrating together.

Friendship House has a transformative effect on students and friends alike. As a gateway to independent living, friend residents are supported by rehabilitation staff to achieve sustainable employment while developing independent living skills. To gain a stronger sense of awareness and education, college students and young professionals serve as mentors and develop a stronger empathy in community living and their professional endeavors.

Scholarship opportunities for Friendship House Fayetteville are for students and young professionals. Visit our Apply Now page to learn more. 

The Friendship House Model

The Friendship House Fayetteville campus consists of three homes, each with two apartment suites. In each apartment suite, typically three students and/or young professionals live with one “friend resident.” Friend residents are young adults with disabilities who have lived at home with family supports. All residents live as roommates and friends. This model of inclusive living forges relationships of mutual self-giving that transforms and encourage all residents involved. Friend residents gain independent living skills, self-esteem and increased social awareness. Students and young professionals gain compassion in how they serve patients both with and without disabilities through hands-on experience.

As a gateway to independent living, friend residents are supported by rehabilitation staff to achieve sustainable employment while developing independent living skills. To gain a stronger sense of awareness and education, college students and young professionals serve as mentors and develop a stronger empathy in community living and their professional endeavors.

Meet Our Residents

House Photos

Friendship House Fayetteville completed construction in July 2018, on the leased grounds of Highland Presbyterian Church. The campus is operated by ServiceSource North Carolina. With initial funding, matched $1 for $1 for the first $200,000, Friendship House Fayetteville consists of three (3) apartment-style homes, each with two (2) apartments. 

Each apartment has 4 bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms, a kitchen, a laundry room and a common living area. The common living area, kitchen and laundry room are fully furnished. Bedrooms are to be furnished by residents. Each Friend and Student Resident pays $450 per month (including utilities). 

Inside Friendship House Fayetteville

The Friendship House Fayetteville campus consists of three homes, each with two apartment suites. In each apartment suite, typically three students and/or young professionals live with one “friend resident.” Friend residents are young adults with disabilities who have lived at home with family supports. All residents live as roommates and friends. This model of inclusive living forges relationships of mutual self-giving that transforms and encourage all residents involved. Friend residents gain independent living skills, self-esteem and increased social awareness. Students and young professionals gain compassion in how they serve patients both with and without disabilities through hands-on experience.

As a gateway to independent living, friend residents are supported by rehabilitation staff to achieve sustainable employment while developing independent living skills. To gain a stronger sense of awareness and education, college students and young professionals serve as mentors and develop a stronger empathy in community living and their professional endeavors.

Donors and Community Partnerships

Employment Source values its community partnerships and every contribution made to support our model of inclusive living.

We thank and appreciate the donors who contributed to our successful capital campaign to start this program within our community and the donors who continue to support our mission.

Capital Campaign


  • Scott and Avery Cameron
  • Franklin Clark
  • Duggins/Smith Companies
  • Dr. WC & Bunny Powers
  • ServiceSource Foundation


  • The Cannon Foundation
  • Jimmy Hall & Son Heating, Air Conditioning & Electrical Contractor
  • The Longleaf Fund
  • Matt & Patty McClimon


  • Vance G. Fowler Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Anessa Lewis

Thank you as well to our Patron, Benefactor and Friend Donors!


Franklin Clark Scholarship Fund

Legacy Donors

  • Franklin Clark
  • Sharlene Riddle Williams Family Foundation
  • Mary H. Hall
  • Joanne & Bud Braddock
  • Bruce and Judith Tria
  • Andy & Bridgette Rind
  • Melanie K. Hinton
  • Tara and Tim Hinton
  • Kay and James Jones
  • April M. Kumm
  • Stephen Branch
  • Sheila Delahunty

This model of intentional and inclusive living is a true community collaboration between faith-based, educational and non-profit organizations. The partners we work with are allies for the Friendship House Fayetteville model and the unique experience it provides to all residents.

Supporting Partners

Supporting Organizations

Matching makes the most of your donation!

The Trustees of the ServiceSource Foundation are matching donations up to $80,000 to help Employment Source build the cottages.

The Friendship House Cottages will provide longer-term housing supports for friend residents who move on from Friendship House transitional housing.

Donate Today


Additional Donation Opportunities: 

  • Clark Endowment ($1 for $1 match)
  • Employment Source (North Carolina Programs)
    • Abilities Housing Program
    • Community Employment Program
    • Job Placement
    • Warrior Bridge
    • Bloom Self-Employment
    • Pre-Employment Transition Services

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