Employment Services

Person outside marked federal building

Community Employment Program

Many of our employment opportunities are affirmative employment contracts to support our mission to provide employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

Two people inside store

Delaware Job Placement

This program is designed to help people prepare for, locate and retain employment. Through counseling, coaching, instruction and networking, ServiceSource partners with individuals to conduct their job search and find stable, successful employment.

Person sitting at desk with hands on paper

Florida Job Placement

These services are directed by qualified and experienced staff and are designed to address pre-employment training, job development and job accommodation. Abilities of Florida is an approved Employment Network (EN) of the Social Security Administration’s Ticket to Work program.

two people sitting across each other at desk talking

Florida Vocational Evaluations

Our experienced Vocational Evaluators utilize a variety of assessment tools and behavioral observations to determine work readiness. The resulting evaluation report identifies specific occupational goals and provides recommendations for achieving them.

Job Placement Services

Job Placement

Our dedicated employment specialists work with clients to identify their job skills and interests, provide guidance on interviewing techniques, and support them throughout the job search process.

woman with headset smiling at camera

North Carolina Job Placement

Through a collaboration with the North Carolina Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and Alliance Health, we place adults with disabilities in full and part-time jobs throughout North Carolina.

Person outside working on car

Utah Competitive Integrated Employment

This Competitive Integrated Employment program utilizes a large network of businesses and organizations throughout Utah to provide the best job match with a job seeker’s interests and abilities.

two people sitting at desk looking at camera

Virginia Employment Supports for Parents

Our Employment Support for Parents program serves parents who are unemployed and looking to return to the workforce, make a career change, earn a higher wage or a combination of these goals.

two people sitting down in front of paper shredders

Virginia Group Supported Employment

Group supported employment is a very popular employment model, offering a variety of employment options to people with disabilities with support from a dedicated Supervisor.

Virginia Job Placement

ServiceSource has a talented team of Employment Development Specialists who work closely with program participants to explore careers as well as obtain and maintain valued employment in the community.

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