North Carolina Benefits Counseling Services

two young adults talk while sitting across from each other at table

Types of Programs

Employment Source, A ServiceSource Affiliate has several options for benefits counseling services available through:

  1. Benefits Counseling Services for Social Security Beneficiaries (Work Incentives Planning and Assistance or WIPA)
  2. Benefits Counseling Services for I/DD Community (North Carolina Benefits Counseling Expansion or BCE)
  3. Benefits Counseling Services for Vocational Rehabilitation clients (VR Benefits Counseling Services for SSI/SSDI beneficiaries)

About the Programs

Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA)

What is the WIPA Program?

The Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) program is a cooperative agreement between the Social Security Administration (SSA) and Employment Source to support individuals with disabilities who receive benefits from Social Security in their efforts to acquire, retain and increase meaningful employment to improve financial independence.

How can the WIPA program help?

The Employment Source WIPA program can assist you with the following FREE services:

  • Analysis and verification of your benefits
  • Explanation of the Social Security’s Ticket to Work program
  • Description of the impact of earnings from employment activities on your public benefits
  • Advisement on how your health insurance coverage may be affected by paid employment
  • Explanation of Work Incentives available to you during your return to work
  • Support in resolving problems related to securing or maintaining your employment activity
  • The description on how to report earnings from employment to Social Security and other agencies
  • Assistance in anticipating changes in your benefits once you begin your employment activity
  • Referral to support services as needed

What makes me eligible for WIPA services?

You may be eligible for WIPA services if:

  • You are actively looking for employment, or you are already employed
  • You live in our Service Area
  • You are between the ages of 14 and full retirement age
  • Have a disability per Social Security’s definition and you are receiving (or approved to receive) Social Security benefits based on disability: Supplemental Security Income (SSI); Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), and/or other Title II disability benefit

Where can we provide WIPA services?

The Employment Source WIPA program serves 45 counties throughout the eastern part of North Carolina. Contact us at 910-401-5495 for a full list of counties served.

Map of North Carolina counties

North Carolina Benefits Counseling Expansion (BCE)

What is the BCE project?

Funded by the NC Council on Developmental Disabilities (NCCDD), the BCE project is a benefits program designed to increase access to timely and quality benefits information by I/DD clients and their families. The program’s long-term goal is to increase the participation of I/DD clients in the workforce and improve their financial well-being.

How does it work?

We have several ways to make benefits information available to the I/DD population:

  • For employment service providers and businesses – If your organization provides employment-related services to I/DD clients or employs I/DD clients and seeks to improve outcomes. The BCE project at Employment Source will help to enhance your services and business operation with benefits information. Employment Source can provide benefits counseling training and ongoing support to your staff at no cost. One of our experienced and certified CWICs will contact your organization to understand your employment services needs and deliver training.
  • Seminars –If your organization wants to share general benefits information with the I/DD population, Employment Source can conduct seminars to parents, youth, and working individuals to provide an overview of benefits information, answer general benefits questions, and share resources.

How can my agency get involved in this project?

If your organization is interested, please call us at 910-401-5495. We will answer any questions you may have about the project then we will schedule a training or seminar based on your organization needs.

Is there any cost for BCE training or seminars?

No, all services are provided at no cost to your organization since project is funded by the NCCDD.

Do you have services in Spanish? 

Yes, Employment Source offers BCE services in English and Spanish.

VR Benefits Counseling Services for SSI/SSDI beneficiaries

Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) clients can request benefits counseling services available through Vocational Rehabilitation services at no cost. Employment Source provides VR Benefits Counseling services in 55 counties in the western part of the State. Please discuss with your VR counselor if these services are a good match for you and your employment goals.

Asset Development and Financial Resources

If you need to identify local banks or credit unions, get training to stay financially healthy or to access financial resources, please contact us at 910-401-5495.


For more information or questions about our programs, contact us at 910-401-5495.

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