Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month

Since 1949, the United States has observed every May as Mental Health Awareness Month. Now more than ever, it is important to recognize that mental health is an essential component to our overall health and wellbeing.

We all face challenges in life that impact our mental health, which includes our emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing. Our mental health impacts how we think, feel and act; our relationships with others; stress management; and our physical health. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), nearly one in five adults in America are facing mental health diagnoses. However, only half of individuals with mental health needs receive treatment.

  • Show each other respect, acceptance, and empathy. This removes a significant barrier to improving mental health.
  • Advocate for legislation to make mental health treatment more widely accessible.
  • Keep educating yourself about mental health and the support available to you and your community.


ServiceSource Services Supporting Mental Health

Behavioral Health 

Within Fairfax County in Virginia ServiceSource offers supported employment and educational services to Fairfax County residents with mental health or substance use diagnoses through a Behavioral Health Supported Employment and Education team with the Fairfax County Falls Church Community Services Board. “We take a holistic approach in serving individuals where they are at,” said Lauren Goldschmidt, Director, Community Services. By working with our team, participants build important employment skills that can lead to successful career placement and improve confidence.

ServiceSource’s Employment and Education Development Specialists are key members of an interdisciplinary team that includes case managers, therapists and psychiatrists.

If you are a Fairfax County resident with behavioral health needs and interested in employment services, please contact 703-383-8500 and request vocational services.

Individual Placement & Support

In North Carolina, our Individual Placement & Support (IPS) program serves adults with severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI). Through this program, ServiceSource utilizes an evidence and research-based model to support people with SPMI in securing gainful employment, which in return has a positive effect on their overall mental health.

If you are a North Carolina resident and would like more information on our IPS program, please contact 910-309-8251.

Veterans Services

ServiceSource’s Warrior Bridge program also supports veterans’ mental health. In North Carolina, we deliver peer-to-peer support services to military veterans in the recovery process, thereby increasing their self-care and independence. In Florida, we connect the veterans we serve to local mental health resources and providers.

If you are a veteran interested in our Warrior Bridge program, please contact

Additional Resources and Sources