Search Results

Man working on computer

Employee Development Program

A competency-based and highly individualized program that assists individuals in gaining the skills necessary for entry-level jobs in their chosen area of work.

Person lending a hand for someone stepping out of van


This unique program provides freedom and flexibility by bridging the gap in transportation services and reducing financial barriers.

Person outside marked federal building

Community Employment Program

Many of our employment opportunities are affirmative employment contracts to support our mission to provide employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

Two people inside store

Delaware Job Placement

This program is designed to help people prepare for, locate and retain employment. Through counseling, coaching, instruction and networking, ServiceSource partners with individuals to conduct their job search and find stable, successful employment.

man leaning on shelf of books smiling at camera

Delaware Autism Services

This program is designed to increase the participation of individuals on the Autism spectrum in the labor market, with a focus on young adults transitioning out of high school.

two people smiling at camera shaking hands

Warrior Bridge

Warrior Bridge is a vital connection to resources and support for veterans with disabilities as they seek employment, self-sufficiency and improved quality of life.

person smiling at camera behind cash register at Walgreens

Delaware Pre-ETS

This program is sponsored by the Delaware Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and includes individual (1:1) sessions. The program also helps share with students insights and lessons learned from professionals working in various employment fields.

person sitting in chair at desk smiling at camera

Delaware FrameWORK for Success

This Delaware program provides opportunities for students to learn vocational skills, explore community-based employment and complete paid and unpaid internships in order to make informed decisions about future career goals.

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