Delaware Job Coaching Services for Employment with Amazon

person holding multiple amazon packages

Bruce Drainer connected with ServiceSource Delaware to receive Job Coaching services. Bruce had just started employment as a Packager and Shipper at the Amazon Fulfillment Center in New Castle, DE. “In my eight years of working at ServiceSource, Amazon had of the most eloquent expressions of inclusivity in the workplace for Bruce that I have ever experienced,” said Ed Monson, Employment Consultant.

Bruce became Blind after undergoing back surgery 10 years ago. “I’ve always been a can-do performer,” said Bruce. “Amazon provided tremendous support for me as I undertook the demands of this new job.”

Bruce and Ed explain that the Amazon team helped lay out tactile stripping throughout the navigation points Bruce would need. Additionally, they provided an enhanced bar code scanner and headphones that interacted with the computer system to provide auditory notifications to the process operations Bruce was conducting. Bruce had a dedicated Amazon Ambassador who worked with him 1:1 as he learned the operations.

Bruce thanks Amazon, ServiceSource and the Delaware Health and Human Services Division for the Visually Impaired for helping and supporting him in getting the job. “I very much appreciate everyone’s dedicated assistance and friendship.”

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