About the Awards
ServiceSource is proud to introduce you to this year’s virtual Service Excellence Awards program. This has been a year of transition and adjustment as we adapted to working during a worldwide pandemic. During this unprecedented time, ServiceSource maintained the highest level of support and customer service that we are known for. Join us as we celebrate and recognize the commitment and dedication of this year’s awardees.
Service Excellence Awardees
Congratulations to all of our 2021 Service Excellence Awardees.
Click here to view the awardees!
Virtual Award Presentations
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ServiceSource Virginia
ServiceSource North Carolina
ServiceSource Delaware
ServiceSource Florida
PARC, ServiceSource Utah
Awardee Spotlights
Nicole Willingham
North Carolina
Nicole is a Desert Shield/Storm War veteran with more than six years of active-duty service. She retired from the military after sustaining multiple injuries related to combat.
In 2006, Nicole went back to college to fulfill her dream of earning a college degree, against the advice of her State Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor and her Doctor. She went on to earn a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Entrepreneurship, driven by the desire to prove them wrong.
After graduating, Nicole continued working and volunteering in her community; however, felt a strong desire to return to the workforce. It was at this time that she connected with ServiceSource North Carolina’s Warrior Bridge program and became the Administrative Assistant. She managed the Veteran’s Mall and assisted participants with job searches. Due to the pandemic, Nicole was faced with the challenge to pivot in times of uncertainty. She quickly transitioned to become a member of ServiceSource’s Individual Placement Support (IPS) department and is now an essential member of the team. “I was lost and in some very dark places in my life,” said Nicole. “I realized that there are support and resources out there to help anyone that is willing to put in the work. I’m so glad I did.”
Brooke Foust
Brooke was served by ServiceSource Florida’s Vocational Rehabilitation team for Job Placement services. After completing her Bachelor’s degree in 2018 at the University of Central Florida, Brooke went on to earn her Master’s degree in 2020 from Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis. While earning her degree, she started employment at Raytheon, a prominent Defense Contractor for the U.S. Government.
As she was growing in the position and building more employment experience, Brooke decided her passion is helping people. She recently transitioned to a new position at Greenlight Guru in Indianapolis. Brooke is employed as a Software Engineer on the organization’s quality management systems, assisting customers in getting medical devices approved by the FDA. “I really love my job,” said Brooke. “My employer understands my unique abilities and I’m excited to grow here as an employee. I’m very thankful for the VR team for all their assistance and help in getting me started on my employment journey.”
Michael Randolph
Michael is a valued ServiceSource team member on our Food Services contract at Fort Carson. He lives by the platinum rule to “treat others as you want to be treated,” which radiates through his work ethic. On the job, Michael is always hard at work and eager to assist others. His favorite part about the job is the environment of mutual respect between his teammates and the members of the military stationed on base. “Michael makes us better each day,” said his Supervisor Beverly Johns. “It’s a privilege to work with him.”
Michael has also utilized ServiceSource’s tuition assistance to attend classes at Pikes Peak Community College. Once he graduates, he dreams of finding a career in film production working behind the camera. He is excited to continue working while attending school and reaching the goal to pay off his car.
Thank you to our Service Excellence Awards Sponsors for being partners in our efforts to recognize our outstanding awardees.
Premier Sponsor
M.C. Dean, is a global engineering and technology company that fosters a community of inclusiveness and innovation. They are committed to employing a diverse workforce.
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