vaACCSES Participation
The ServiceSource team, led by Chief Operating Officer, Bruce Patterson and Chief Strategy Officer, Mark Hall, led a roundtable discussion of disability service providers from across the Commonwealth at the vaACCSES Annual Provider Conference on May 16 in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Since the tenure of the Settlement Agreement between the Commonwealth of Virginia and the United States Department of Justice, excessive regulatory burdens may now be diverting resources from safe and effective service provision as exceedingly onerous regulation has lost a sense of common sense and fairness. Both providers and government entities must examine a prudent use of resources to return the essential focus of providing quality health care rather than needing to interpret and implement excessive regulations that are often detached from the provision of healthy and safe care and equally detached from an efficient use of resources.
The ServiceSource led roundtable was designed to generate ideas and strategies for effective advocacy to;
- Improve the regulatory process to eliminate complex, confusing and/or redundant requirements that divert resources away from direct which ensures recipient health and safety
- Reduce provider vulnerability and financial risk while ensuring ongoing service provision for individuals with disabilities.
- Improve opportunities for greater provider input when developing regulations
- Improve interpretive and advisory guidance on requirements as they are promulgated and provide an overall enhanced system of communication
An outstanding group of leaders from all areas of the Commonwealth were in attendance and actively participated in developing strategies towards these important goals.