Martha Glennan Disability Inclusion and Equity Awardee

Award Recognition

Sperson sitting in front of green screen being filmederviceSource’s Senior Services Team in Virginia accepted the Martha Glennan Disability Inclusion and Equity Award given on behalf of the Fairfax-Area Disability Services Board. The award recognized ServiceSource’s commitment to enhancing the lives of community members through the Virtual Center for Active Adults (VCAA), launched in partnership with Fairfax County Neighborhood and Community Services (NCS). The purpose of the VCAA is to connect and engage virtually with older adults and people with disabilities during this pandemic.

ServiceSource accepted its award during a virtual celebration on December 14, attended by Chairman Jeffrey McKay, Supervisor Dan Storck, and Supervisor James Walkinshaw of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, along with more than 50 community members. As Kristin Roman, Director of Senior Services accepted the award, she explained “This is a team award. Our team members have worked long and hard to provide excellent service and couldn’t have made this possible without them.” As of December, the VCAA has served participants more than 22,800 times by leading over 1,000 virtual classes or group activities.

ServiceSource’s award also recognized the organization’s continued outreach through wellness calls to monitor the needs of participants and provide resources for grocery delivery, financial assistance for housing, safe transportation options and mailed activity packets. “The VCAA is about access, inclusion and breaking down barriers to support older adults in our community who are currently homebound. Through this partnership with NCS, our team leveraged the virtual platform and got creative to provide a wide array of support options, keeping people engaged and safe no matter where they were,” said Ken Crum, Executive Vice President, Regional Operations.

The Arc of Northern Virginia also accepted a Martha Glennan Disability Inclusion and Equity Award this year for their commitment to promoting equal rights and community inclusion.

About the Martha Glennan Disability Inclusion and Equity Awards

The Fairfax Area Disability Services Board’s Martha Glennan Disability Inclusion and Equality Awards are presented annually to recognize people, businesses, nonprofits, government agencies, and other organizations that excel in demonstrating a commitment to promoting equal rights and community inclusion for people with disabilities in the Fairfax area and how people with disabilities have significantly benefitted from their efforts. For more information, visit